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When it comes to choosing an IVF center, among other things, couples seeking fertility support want to learn more about the clinic’s performance figures (e.g. pregnancy rate, live birth rate). In some countries, IVF centers are required by law to publish their results and make them freely available. In countries where this is not the case, the disclosure of such data occurs on a voluntary basis. In both cases, for most couples the following question arises when taking a closer look at the outcomes presented:
“But what does this actually mean for us?”
In order to be able to give a sensible response to this question, it is important to first note that the reasons for involuntary childlessness are in most cases a combination of different factors, such as diseases, genetic disorders, ageing, unhealthy lifestyle patterns, harmful environmental impacts.
(Please see also our Special Topic “Involuntarily childless – Possible causes in women and men“)
The prospects of success of an adequate fertility treatment are mainly based on the couple’s personal situation. As for the performance figures published by an IVF center, this means that these figures do not apply equally to any woman/man undergoing treatment (e.g. indication of age group, pregnancy rate). Therefore, these results must be evaluated on a differentiated basis.
This underlines the importance of professional advice and clarification with a specialist in order to be able to explain to the couple what their chances of success are.
According to Prof. Dr. Herbert Zech, specialist in reproductive medicine and founder of the IVF centers of the same name, certain criteria count among the decisive factors when attempting to individually increase each couple’s chances of getting pregnant and giving birth to a healthy child:
- 1. Long-standing expertise
2. Certified quality
3. Scientific commitment
1. Experience and competence have a positive impact on the success of treatment
Prof. Dr. Herbert Zech: “Our expertise in terms of treatment methods complies with the latest standards in medicine and is based on many years of experience and scientific knowledge, which we constantly strive to expand together with the international research community.

• drawing-up of customized stimulation protocols
• blastocyst culture
• evaluation of the embryo to be transferred at the blastocyst stage
• build-up of the endometrium to enable the determination of the best possible time for embryo transfer/implantation
• selection of the best sperm (IMSI – Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection)
• follicle monitoring based on sonography (determining the size and number of follicles using 3D ultrasound)
• aseptic vitrification (innovative technology for the aseptic cryopreservation of embryos, oocytes, sperm, ovarian/testicular tissue)
• application of genetic analyses in fertility treatment (PGD, PGS)
Our goal is to enable couples to benefit from our experience and expertise, thus being able to realize their dream of having a healthy child.”
2. Tested quality across all areas creates safety and transparency
One of the core elements for ensuring quality at the IVF Centers are the employees. Their qualification, experience and commitment make it possible to achieve high quality standards and continuous improvement.
These include, inter alia, the safe application of treatment methods and the compliance with national/international legislation and directives. This is confirmed through regular inspections by the competent authorities and official certification bodies (e.g. ISO 9001 certification).
3. Scientific commitment enables further development of treatment methods
An IVF center may also enhance the chances of a successful treatment outcome for their patients by continuously striving for improvement, the implementation of technical innovations and the enhancement of knowledge. These criteria become measurable, inter alia, by ongoing and successful work in science and research.
To fulfill the desire for a child, in summary the following factors are crucial for success:
Focusing on the couple’s individual medical situation combined with the options and professional performance offered by the IVF center.
» Success rate – What to look for
(Topic-Series | https://www.fertility-treatment-blog.com)
» Quality in IVF Centers – Application and Relevance of a Quality Management System
(Post | https://www.fertility-treatment-blog.com)
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